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Who are the 3 iconic residents of the Mandal Bird Paradise? Now retailing at Unpackt on Level 1 of Mandai Bird Paradise. Learn more at story blog.


In his late 50s, Big John, a sulphur-crested cockatoo was the park’s mascot for more than a decade from 1985. Advertisements that were broadcast overseas featured him. He was already an adult when the park opened in 1971.

Suzy, an American bald eagle, is 25 years old (2023), weighs 6.3 kg, and is the iconic drama queen at Jurong Bird Park. Performs at Predators on Wings.
Sunny, a great pied hornbill was the former park icon from 2016 for about 5 years. "The hornbill was chosen because it is an icon that represented conservation for Southeast Asia." Sunny performs at Wings of the World.

Learn more about them at story blog 


Lens Cleaning Cloth -Big-John-Sunny-Suzy

SKU: micro-mandai
  • Lens Cleaning Cloth: Brighten up someone’s sunnies or spectacles with a lens cleaning cloth. 

    Made of ultra-soft polyester material, ideal for cleaning spectacles, laptop screens or stemware. Lint fee, nonabrasive and affordable, it makes a good gift. Each lint free cloth comes with back card that speaks the story on the art piece and the differently-abled artist that your gift supports.

    Dimensions: 6 ” W x 7″ L

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