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How to Use Gouache Paints? Uplifting Douglas in Mixed Media Joy.

Glimpses of Eden by jtmuses - Delighting in His Works

DELIGHTING IN GOD'S CREATION & UPLIFTING DOUGLAS Surely, everything that comes from the hand of such a Master-artist

as God has something in it of himself! Today, God said, sometimes you just need to take a break and listen to me speak

to you through my creations.

I painted this using gouache and liked the intensity of the colours.

Also used professional grade Arches oil paper which can be used to capture oil on paper. Having leant its beauty, am imparting my skills to a differently abled youth.

SCROLL DOWN to view a YouTube on all you need to know about using GOUACHE.


Art is the the highest form of hope. Gerhard Richter Discover Sinaapore's Peranakan Scene along Koon Seng Road.

I've been helping Douglas to create the quintessential Singapore shophouse in mixed media. Douglas finally finished inking and shading the shophouses along Koon Seng Road which is his visible canvas to portray his love for buildings and colours.

Douglas was 3 years old when he was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder Spectrum, but this did not stop him from developing and pursuing a keen focus in art.

I introduced him to goache colours on 3rd July '19 and here's his piece after four lessons with me. Stay tuned as we

goauche in the Peranakan iconic colours!

JOIN US AS THE SHOPHOUSES COMES TO LIFE! We hope to create ART-INSPIRED PRODUCTS from this promising youth. LET'S EMPOWER HIM! read his story and follow us


Watercolor and gouache (pronounced “gwash”) may appear to be nearly identical mediums. But you will find that both paints have individual characteristics that make them easy to distinguish.

GOUACHE IS MORE OPAQUE THAN WATER COLOUR "When a layer of watercolor is applied, the white paper and any preliminary drawings underneath will show through, whereas when a layer of gouache is applied, the paper will not show through nearly as much. Due to the transparency of watercolor, the light is able to travel through the pigment and reflect off of the white paper, giving it a luminous quality that differs from gouache’s matte finish". Goache also dries faster is is used mostly for illustrations.

However, they are still quite identical in makeup. How so?

Both paints consist of pigment and water soluble binder. The opacity of gouache comes from the white pigment or chalk that is addedto the pigment to make it less transparent.


Do you need to invest in the pricier brands or can the cheap ones perform just as well? Here’s everything you need to know in this Gouache 101 tutorial available on You Tube.

Shop for Gifts | Glimpses of Eden- art that uplifts by jtmuses

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Matthew 6:25–34

Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on...

26 Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

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